Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Comments based on "Everything but the Cook."

1. Headline: "Everything but the Cook."
Byline: by Julia Moskin
Date: Feb.12, 2013
Publication: The New York Times

2. The article "Everything but the Cook" is about this famous chef, known as Nick Taranto devloping a meal kit for people that are too busy to cook dinner every night. This kit includes the following: Couscous, vegetable broth, dates, carrots, onions, cilantro, prunes and much more. This is Taranto's big help to the public.

3. A. The people interviewed in this story are Taranto, John Leeman, who is in charge of Fresh Direct
and Laura Shapiro author of a book based on cooking.

B. The vocabulary in this article were easy to understand. A majority of the article is written in a precise manner, but there is one sentence that was very wordy. It could be shorten down or seperated into two sentences. The sentence is the following: " Hello Fresh , owned by the German e-commerce giant Rocket Internet, delivers more than 10,000 boxes a week in Germany, the Netherlands, the United Kingdom and Australia, and has expanded its reach in the United States from Maine to Florida."

C.The best direct quote is from Taranto how cooking is in the sense draining. It states that "When we started jobs in New York we realized that cooking dinner is really, really hard", said Mr.Taranto said of himself and his business partner Josh Hix, 31. (They often cooked together in graduate school). "There's not enough time in modern lives to recipe-select or grocery-shop."

4. A. The lead was strong because it had a conversational style and it summarizes what the content will be in the article.
B. The nut graph was strong because it explains information about the dinner kit.
C. The ending was sort of confusing. The quote did not support Taranto's idea about the dinner kit. It went against it.
D. The story organization was great because it incorporated information mostly relevant to the story and it included different opinions from people.
5. I enjoyed this overall piece, but the ending could have been changed. It could have been more supportive of this beneficial idea.

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