Thursday, February 14, 2013

Comments based on the article "Steve Madden is Back."

1. Headline: " Steve Madden is Back."
Byline: Laura M. Holson
Date: Feb. 13, 2013
Publication name: The New York Times. Fashion and Style.

2. This particular article explains how Steve Madden is working on his business once again after serving jail time for stock fraud. His jail sentence was of almost three years and he is making up for lost time.

3. A. The people interviewed in this story are Steve Madden, his wife, and Marshall Cohen who works for a consumer company. The research in the story provided background information regarding what Madden was charged with and his sentence.
There was also information from interviews that were people close to Madden, who explained that he is still respected regardless of what he did to end up in prision. Madden also explained his side so that made the story great as well. One of the most important quotes came from Madden himself. In this particular statement he explains how terrible it was being in jail and the knowledge he gained from this experience. Madden states " It is a unique painful experierence that I had and I don't know how everybody reacts. I guess you get perspective, a different sort. I feel for things, I suppose." Mostly though, he said, " I thought about surviving."

B. The vocabulary used in the story was very easy to understand. I found all the sentences to be precise. A great example of a straight forward sentence is when it states "Collaboration can be tough, sure-but it beats sharing a jail cell, wondering if you can eveer rebuild the life you've left behind."

C. One of the best quotations comes from Madden. He says that " My impulse was to jump right in, but I had to lay back, watch, learn and see what needed to be fixed," Mr. Madden said. "So much of design is context."

4. A. The lead was very strong because it drew you in. It included great descriptive words and as soon as you read the lead, you want to go on to the rest of the story.
B. The nut graph was strong because it started to explain how being in jail took him away from his business. After the nut graph it starts to explain his charges and etc.
C. The ending was strong because the quote explained how when he was gone, his wife helped with the shoe business. He had someone on his side.
D. The story organization was very strong because it incorporated a lot of important information, some comedy, and great interviews.

5. I enjoyed everything about the piece and I never knew what happened to Steve Madden. Reading this story was very informative for me.

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