Friday, March 1, 2013

Comments based on the article "The No-Limits Job."

1. Headline: "The No-Limits Job."
Byline: Teddy Wayne
Date: March 1, 2013.
Publication: The New York Times.

2. This article describes all the stress that Casey McIntyre goes through on a daily basis. She is a book publicist and her job is very draining with the long list of duties. She barely has time for any breaks and is having a hard time in balancing it all.

3. A. The people interviewed in this story are Casey McIntyre and some other writers that work on websites. They all share similar experiences in the work field (as in being overwhelmed).
B. The vocabulary was very easy to understand. I found the sentences to be very precise. One example of this is when it states "If I'm not at the office, I'm always on my Blackberry," said Casey McIntyre, 28, a book publicist in New York. "I never feel like I'm totally checked out of work."
C. There was one quote by McIntyre that I can definitely relate to. I follow the same method when I know I have a long day ahead of me and need a coffee (not more then two) to keep energized.
McIntyre states "I have coffee before I leave the house, there's a Dunkin' Donuts conveniently in the subway station when I get off, and I get another coffee during the day," she said. "And they're large coffees."

4. A. The lead was very strong, because it described the transition from having more responsibilities when you are older(related to working field), compared to when you are young.
B. The nut graph was strong because it starts off with a quote describing McIntyre's super busy schedule and regardless of where she is, she is always doing work related things.
C. The ending of the story was strong because McIntyre explains that she has to remain positive through everything no matter how tough it is.
D. The story organization was very strong because it not only focused on McIntyre, but it also incorporated experiences that other writers face while at work.
5. I enjoyed this piece because it is easy to relate to. While working a job in a career path you chose, or even being in school the work can drive someone crazy. The work continues to get worse and its feels great to have someone relate to what you are going through. I enjoyed this piece because of those reasons.

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