Sunday, June 1, 2014

My last post for the entertainment blog

Hello everyone, I just wanted to let all of you know that this is my last post for my entertainment blog. I do have another blog that you can check out though, which is a more personal blog that involves me giving tips based on my experiences with being a leader of an organization, transitioning from being a college student to being in the real world, relationship tips, as well as health ones. You can find my personal blog at

 Thank you for all your support and dedication to reading my fun entertainment blog!

Thursday, April 24, 2014

The four strongest female characters in CW's "The Originals"

CW's "The Originals" has a lot of strong male characters like Elijah, Marcel, and Klaus, but there are also many strong ladies as well. These four ladies are powerful, strong minded, and fight hard for what they want. They include Davina, Rebekah, Hayley, and Cami.

1. Davina
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Davina (Danielle Campbell) is one of the strongest witches on "The Originals". She has the powers to control the elements earth, water, wind, and fire. She can sense when people do magic and she can also attack the original vampires.

 In this scene from, you get to see Davina channel all her energy is bringing down Klaus and Elijah.

2. Rebekah
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Rebekah (Claire Holt) is the only sister in the original family. She is very protective of the people that she deeply cares for and she is also extremely physically strong. 

In this scene from, Rebekah attacks the men that are threatening to kill Hayley. 

3. Hayley

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Hayley (Phoebe Tonkin) is a young wolf girl on the show. She shares the same characteristics as Rebekah in the sense that she protects the people she loves, for example her unborn child and wolf family. She is also very brave. 

In this scene from Hayley threatens Celsete into removing a curse so the wolves could roam around in their human forms. 

4. Cami
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Cami (Leah Pipes) is one of the human girls on the show. She is brave like Hayley and is not afraid to express herself, even if the words are harsh.

 In this clip from Cami demonstrates her bravery by putting Klaus in his place. 

These are the four ladies that make "The Originals" even more entertaining! 

For information about the show go to

Sunday, April 13, 2014

The Film Business Journey of Jarred McGriff

Throughout the world many people make it a daily habit to catch up on their favorite television shows, films, or even watch the news. Each viewer gets to see the end product, but they never get to see all the time and work that goes on behind the scenes in order to make the show come alive.

Jarred McGriff is currently a student at Full Sail University in Florida and is studying in film. This summer he will be graduating with his Bachelor's degree in Science.

During his high school years in Franklin High School, he started to take a major interest in film and he worked on promotional videos for his school. In addition to educational videos, he began his own film directing business called JDM Filmz.

His company is continuing to expand and he even makes collaborations with other film directing businesses. On top of all that, McGriff also has skills in the area of photography.

While interviewing McGriff he expressed his passion and journey into the film industry. He also explained how he trains employees in his business, tips on how to make a succesful film, and advice to anyone interested in film directing.

“ My company is JDM Filmz. I started it back in 2008 while I was still in high school,” said McGriff.

“ When I was in middle school I began developing a passion for photography, [.] I started taking photos as a hobby and really began to develop an eye,” said McGriff.

“During high school I began taking a class called aspects of video, taught by Michael Pinnix, which gave me the tools to a step beyond photography and enter the world of video,” said McGriff.

McGriff also explained the difficulties with starting your own business. He mentioned what some of the difficulties are and what it does to your business in the long run.

“Having your own business presents bunch of challenges. It really causes you to step outside of your comfort zone. Financials can cause a lot of stress, no one likes to struggle but it does encourage growth, and I've really enjoyed growing my business,” said McGriff.

McGriff explained the main characteristic that makes a great film. McGriff stresses that the story is the major piece that will pull everything together.

“A lot of people, especially early film makers, focus on the equipment. Though in higher end production that can be a big part, but what it really comes down to is the story,” said McGriff.

“With a good story you can make a successful film with an iphone, it all comes down to your imagination, and making the best of your resources,” said McGriff.

McGriff described the process of hiring people to work for his company. He went into detail about what skills he teaches his workers when it comes to directing.

“When training new interns or employees I tend to focus on the basics, [.] Composing a good image, checking focus, and proper lighting. Once we have those basics down then we can mix it up a bit,” said McGriff.

While having his own business, McGriff has done many collaborations with other film directing companies. Two of these companies are Trinity Media LLC and Reach Records.

“ I love collaborating with other businesses and filmmakers, its an important part of the craft. Interacting with others is an important part of the creative process,” said McGriff.

McGriff is definitely well rounded when it comes to working in the film and photography industry. In order to keep him moving, as well as other people that are interested in either directing, being a photograher, and starting business for themselves, McGriff passes on a message he learned a few years ago.

“The biggest piece of advice I can give to someone who wants to start filming is the same that was given to me...GO OUT AND DO IT!!! Failure is part of growth... so go out there and fail a couple of times, because each one gets you a step closer to success,”-McGriff.

To read and learn more about MCGriff and JDM Filmz go to

Friday, April 4, 2014

How to transform yourself into a werewolf while using makeup

One of the most popular shows on television today is MTV’s “Teen Wolf”. “Teen Wolf” is a show that many teenagers and young adults enjoy because of the cool cast members, action, fashion styles, and of course the wolves.
The guys from "Teen Wolf"...Tyler Posey as "Scott"
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Tyler Hoechlin as "Derek"
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Daniel Sharman as "Isaac"

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 Charlie Carver as "Ethan" and Max Carver as "Aiden"
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These wolves look fantastic in their wolf forms. If you always wanted to see a behind the scenes look into their transformations, then check out this clip.

As you can see the guys go through a long process in order to finalize their wolf looks and it definitely pays off in the show, which you are able to see in this clip from "Teen Wolf".

 If you want to become a wolf to either scare someone, have an interesting costume for a masquerade party, for Fright Fest at Six Flags, or for Halloween and can't purchase a whole bunch of prosthetics, you can always go on to purchase ears, makeup, claws, and etc. If you want to make your wolf face very animated with using natural makeup colors, then check out this great final clip from that gives you steps on how to create your look while using non-expensive items.

Hope you enjoyed reading this tutorial article on how to pull off your dream wolf face. 

Saturday, March 29, 2014

Betta Kappa Psi hosts its Spring 2014 Women's Appreciation Dinner

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On April 14, 2014, Betta Kappa Psi is having their first Women's Appreciation Dinner of the Spring 2014 semester.

The Women's Appreciation Dinner will take place in the University Center Greek Lounge from 7:30 p.m to 9:30 p.m. The event will consist of vegetarian and Spanish cuisine, fountain drinks, and faculty members will be given personalized rewards for their hard work and dedication to students.

This is not the first time that Betta Kappa Psi is having this event. Betta Kappa Psi brother and Public Relations Director, Brent Clarke explained the reason behind choosing to have the event again this year.

“It was done by some of our older brothers in the past and we thought it was a great idea. We feel that some faculty members should be awarded by not only the university but [by] the students [because] it shows that they are not underappreciated,” said Clarke.

The Women's Appreciation Dinner this semester will include six organizations at Kean University. Some of these organizations include fraternity members, sorority members, and even men and women groups.

Clarke explained the names of the six organizations that are hosting the event. Some of them are even new organizations, like a women's online magazine club.

“ Elite, Betta Kappa Psi, Beta Kappa Sigma, Mens Group, Women's Circle, Her Campus, [and] Black Rose Society,” said Clarke.

Clarke explained some of the faculty members that are being honored at the dinner this year. They are people that students know from being in the University Center, as well as teachers that teach electives at the college.

“...prospective honorees include Sandra Espinal, Ms. Daisy, [and] Dr. Bowe,” said Clarke.
Kyle Seales newly recent Betta Kappa Psi brother that just crossed over earlier during this Spring semester, explained what each of these female faculty members mean to him. He also explained the main reasons why they deserve to be highly recognized and awarded by Kean.

“It's always great to have a person who has your back and looks for the best in you. We wanted to show love towards these facutly members and to make it [them] know how much we appreciate them,” said Seales.

Seales also explained that this Women's Appreciation Dinner should be a tradition at Kean.
“We can keep continuing [to] host [the] dinner in the near future to show we appreciate our women faculty,” said Seales.

Monday, February 24, 2014

Five of the most popular shows from the CW network, ABC Family, AMC, and Lifetime channel !

Throughout the last couple of years there have been captivating, supernatural, mystery, and dramatic shows making their way into massive stardom. Some of these shows include "Pretty Little Liars", "Downtown Abbey", "Mad Men", "Bonnie and Clyde", and "The Originals."

1. "Pretty Little Liars" 

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On Her an  article titled "Pretty Little Liars" Halloween Episode Shocks" was published on Nov.9, 2013 . On the "Pretty Little Liars" season 3 Halloween episode, a shocking secret is revealed and it is that Alison is alive!

"Ali spotted the person walking towards them and she quickly disappears like a ghost. The person who walks out with a flashlight was not the former A, Mona, neither was it Toby.
It was Ezra, Aria's teacher! Once Ezra meets the girls, he mentions to Aria that she left her phone and he looks behind the girls, for of course Ali," said Leach.
2. "Downtown Abbey"
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On www., they have an article titled " Downtown Abbey" :TV Review", written on Jan. 2, 2014 by Tim Goodman. In the article Goodman basically explains how the seasons have been very predictable and boring.

" After all, part of the appeal seems to be escapism for Americans who want a costume drama mixed with our weird fascination with the British class system. So if you're hoping the good folks from the village rise up with pitchforks and torches to burn Downtown to the ground, you'll have to wait at least until the seventh season", said Goodman. 
3. "Mad Men"
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On, there is an article titled " 'Mad Men' Season 6 Review: Triumphant, Lyrical, and Way Extistential", written on April 3, 2013 by Jace Lacob. In this particular quote, Lacob explains how Penny comes in like a whole new and strong woman.

" When we meet up again with Peggy in Season 6, she's a far different woman than that naive girl at the start of the series. A demand for fresh coffee, delivered with both a grimace and a surprising insouciance, is one indication of just how far she's come, now that Peggy is the one holding the power," said Lacob. 

4. "Bonnie and Clyde" movie
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On the website, they have an article titled " Bonnie and Clyde: TV Review", written on Nov. 6, 2013 by Tim Goodman. Goodman picks on everything about this show just like with "Downtown Abbey." In one quote he expresses how the story does not move forward and how he criticizes Bonnie's personality. 

" Was Bonnie the driving force in the story because all she ever wanted to be was famous? Because of that, is she inherently more evil than Clyde ever was a self-centered girl propped up by her mother's conviction that the world was overlooking a real talent?," said Goodman. 
5.  "The Originals"
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On the website, there is an article titled " A Preview of "The Originals" A Test of Loyalty, Egos, and Love" written on Oct. 26, 2013. 
 "As the family continued to live in New Orleans, they formed a close relationship with a young boy named Marcel. Marcel was abused as a young child and suffered the loss of his parents due to a deadly fever.In order for Marcel to have a great life, the original family took him under their wing," said Leach. 

Sunday, February 9, 2014

Here is your quick access to the best television shows previews and reviews from the years 2013 to 2014

My name is Jasmine Leach and I am a Senior at Kean University. I am working on finishing my Bachelor's degree in communications/journalism. I am currently the president for Her Campus at Kean University.

On Her Campus I write reviews for shows, such as "The Originals" and "Pretty Little Liars".

I wrote articles about relationship advice on date ideas, trust, romance, and etc. I also write tip articles as well, based on health issues like psoriasis.

My blog was originally used solely for professional purposes. In addition to having my journalism related work displayed on the blog, my blog will begin to include work for my Speciality Writing on the Web course that I am taking this semester. The work that you can expect to see posted over the fifteen weeks of this course, will mainly focus on entertainment articles based on television show reviews and previews.

I decided to choose this area of entertainment because out of all the articles that I wrote for Her Campus, writing previews and reviews are one of my highest fortes. I love writing previews and reviews because it entices the reader in such a strong way that it makes the reader want to watch the show for themselves.

If you would like to see the entertainment articles I choose for this course, check out my blog every week. Each week there will be something fun and new that you can read about. I hope that the articles I choose entertain you as much as they do for me.